ECDESIGN 3D Floor Planner

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New Ecdesign 5 update

A significant update for Ecdesign 5 was released today, bringing a host of crucial enhancements. The update features a highly optimized 3D engine, leading to a 50-100% boost in FPS (frames per second) for smoother performance. Additionally, it includes improved layout features, enhanced materials, 3D labels, major bug fixes, workflow improvements, and much more.

The new update is available for both MAC and Windows.

New 3D labels feature in Ecdesign 5

We recently added 3D labels to both the fitness and repair shop versions of Ecdesign. These labels are available in the BLUE standard fitness and repair shop libraries. You can customize the labels by changing their color, with some colors even offering a glow effect. Additionally, the labels can be scaled to fit your preferences.